Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Okonomiyaki — "whatever you like" grilled — is city's signature selection

Hi, everyone. I gonna tell you about Okonomiyaki from this article. It has been so famouse food in Japan since WWⅡ because it is cheap dish.  You could like it because you can add  whatever ingredients which you like such as squid, shrimp, beef, tomato and so on. Okonomiyaki sause is the most important thing for Okonomiyaki. Otahuku is the biggest Okonomiyaki sause company in the world and makes 210000 of them every year in japan and also they are trying to make new products. In addition they sometimes hold Okonomiyaki cooking demonstration to improve their products. they will have comsumers who buy it forever.

i want to say one thing . i think japanese doesnt link to Okonomiyaki and Atom bomb. i have never heard that and we have just enjoyed Okonomiyaki.


  1. Hi Ayaka. Very interesting article. However, what do you mean about the atom bomb? What is the relationship, according to the article?

  2. It sounds really delicious!!

  3. So, I am curious when can I eat okonomiyaki that you make?
