Friday, February 26, 2016


  Last year, many provinces were influenced by haze in China. What is haze? It is very complex pollutants that consist of gas, Particulate Matter (Like CO, SO2, NOx, NH3, and so on.). These pollutants were formed in a special weather. It has many influences for our people because people will abstract pollutants into our lung, it will let people get cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and even cancers. The haze cannot disappear; it means no way can deal with it. The only way is that people should protect the environment in their daily life. For example, they need to take more bus than drive their own cars. In addition, people needn’t use disposable in their life. It is one of the biggest problems that many people like to use disposable because it is very convenient. However, some companies in China sometimes cannot deal with these disposable very well because they do not reckon with the environment and save money. All in all, we should concentrate on this problem and do something good to protect our environment. 

Korea's unique age system of measuring.

Korea's different age system of measuring

          Hello guys. Today, I want to introduce Korean age system of measuring. It is little bit different with western or other cultures. Usually, Korean age is 1 or 2 years older than foreign age.  For example, now I am 21 years old in Korea but 19 years old in the U.S. Does it make sense? There are two reasons why it is different.
          For explain the first reason why it is different, let me suppose that there is a baby named Liz. She is 1 years old when she was born in Korea. In other words, I grew 1 years old at the same time when I born. So Korean think a newborn infant is 1 years old.

          Other reason why Korean age is different with other cultures' age is we use Jan 1st at every each year for people grow old. For instance, the U.S use individuals' birthday for grow old. Imagine that Liz's birthday is Oct,27,1996. She is 1 years old when she was born and she will be 2 years old after 2 months and 4 days. Because after 2 months and 4 days, it is Jan,1,1997. So she grew 2 years old during 2 months and 5 days.

          Because of these reasons, Korean age is different with other cultures' age. If you visit Korea, you will confuse with people's age. I will let you know how to calculate your Korean age. And I will use my birthday to explain it. The present year (2016) - the year when you born (1996) + 1 is your Korean age. So I'm 21 years old in Korea. And there is another calculate for age that is same with other countries, we called it full age. You can calculate it by using this formula. If your birthday at this year is passed, minus 1 from your Korean age. And if your birthday at this year is not passed yet, minus 2 from your Korean age. Now you have two ages. And thanks for Julio to give an idea about it!!

Thursday, February 25, 2016


There are variety of different types of cars in the world: SUV, sedan, compact car, sports car, truck. However, these types of cars are totally different. In my life, I’ve ridden many kinds of cars. More specifically, SUV car.
The SUV car is better than other kinds of cars. Especially, compact car: they have completely different feature. Such as size, safe and cost. One difference is their size. SUV is bigger than other types of cars: especially compact car. It is very comfortable to ride and take. And it allows many people to sit in the car. On the other hand, compact car is the smallest car. So it is uncomfortable to take many people. when i back to korea i will get a good SUV!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


When I was thinking about what should I write for my blog post, a word clicked me, "A woman"!! How can I not thought about this topic before, while I am a woman?! Then I thought what should I write about woman? Hmm…... very complicated like woman’s heart !! Jokes apart, I thought to write about “value of a woman.” But when I started to think about this topic, the topic looked odd to me because we can’t count the value of a woman, how can we count the value of God’s impression? she is priceless!!
Woman plays so many different roles throughout the day. She is a alarm clock, a cook, a maid, a teacher, a waiter, a nanny, a nurse, a handyman, a security officer, a counselor and a comforter. She works 24 hours a day and never gets holiday or medical leave and never complains! So it’s not fair if we think about her value, she is priceless!! 

Then I came across few beautiful words about the woman and I couldn’t control myself to share it with you all!
"In every step of man’s life, woman is always there.
When he born, a woman was there to hold him, his mother!
When he grew up, a woman was there to care and to play with him, his sister!
When he went to school, a woman was there to help him to learn, his teacher!
When he needed compatibility, company and love, a woman was there for him, his wife!
When he became tough, a woman was there to melt him, his daughter!
When he will die, a woman will be there to absorb him, motherland!"

In every relationship, woman proved herself priceless!!

If we start to praise a woman, words will not be enough……
The willingness to listen…
The patience to understand…
The strength to support….
The heart to care & just to be there….
That is the beauty of a woman !!!


A baby gorilla was born in England through caesarean section at San Diego Zoo last week. It was very difficult the baby kept their life though C-Section. Gorillas are very close and friend with human being. Furthermore, they have lots of similar places with people, like walking, eating and appearance. It was the first one gorilla was born through this way in England. This baby gorilla, who is a girl, she has got breathing problem when she was born. Through lots of nurses took care of her very careful, she already very healthy now. It is a good news. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

How has your thinking been affected by spending time with people from different cultures?

I’ve been in the U.S for 6 months. I meet many students from all over the world. And I faced many problems because of barrier of language and different of cultures. But I also met many good people. Spending time with them makes me cautious. For example, I met a lot of international students. Because of it, I have some perception of some countries. Some of them are good and some of them are bad. So I worried about how people think about me and Korea. And then this worry makes me careful when I do something or say something in other countries. I don’t want to people make negative perception of Koreans like I have negative awareness to some countries. And another change is interesting of other countries' cultures. Before I came here, I've never interested in other countries and even didn't try to understand different cultures with my cultures. I just thought other cultures that doesn't make sense to me are weird. But now, I meet a lot of people from different cultures as my classmates, I can consider their thinking and understand it. Therefore, through meet many various people, I learned how to think flexibly.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

What is Dementia?

Dementia is not a specific disease. It’s a general term for gradual decrease in the person’s ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person’s daily functioning. It is a collection of symptoms that can affect their intellectual functioning. They lose their ability to solve problems and maintain emotional control and they may experience personality changes and behavioral problems. Dementia is caused by physical changes or damage to brain cells. Because of this damage, brain cells cannot communicate with each other and if they cannot communicate with each other normally, their thinking, behavior and feelings can be affected. It becomes more common with age. It is one of the most common causes of disability among the old. The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer, which affect 60 to 80% of cases. Vascular dement, is the second most common dementia type, which occurs after a stroke.
There is no cure for dementia but there are some drug treatments that may temporarily improve symptoms. Researchers are working to find out the ways to prevent it.
So what can we do to reduce the risk and to prevent it? According to the ‘ Alzheimer’s association’, “….researchers continue to explore the impact of other risk factors on brain health and prevention of dementia. Some of the most active areas of research in risk reduction and prevention include cardiovascular factors, physical fitness, and diet.”

Hmmm…. So from now on I need to keep eye on my physical activity & diet.

Retrieved from:

Changes in our life: My experience in the university

Hi classmates. I know, because you told me, that some of you are planning to attend to a University and you have not been in the university yet. Here you can read my experience. I hope that my experience can help you to understand about how is going to be this big change in your life.
It is well-know that the university is one of the most important changes in our life, because you can meet new friends, learn a lot of learning experiences of your teachers, make strong relationships, represent your university in some sports, study what you like and so on.

However before I had started the university, I thought that this was going to be easy I mean like school: just do homework and it would be enough for tests. However, during this time, I realized that it was not as easy as I expected because I would have to take almost every day test, I would meet with my team to do group work almost all the weekends. This things had taken almost one year to cope it. Finally I could handle it.

The top three most listened rap music for people who have actually around twenty years old in Tennessee according to my neighbor and roommate.

There are many opinions about the origins of Rap, the purpose, and the selections of the top three Rap songs. But today I’m going to present just the opinion of my roommate and my neighbor about this. First of all, they said that rap began in America in the African American Community. In addition, Rap music is focused in express through words how do you feel about a specific situation.
Some top three most listened rap music for people who have actually around twenty years old:
The number one is the well-known song Rappers Delight, which is played by The Sugarhill Gang, who is origined in Englewood, New Jersey and had started in 1973. This song was recorded in 1979, this is probably the song that makes rap music very famous.
The number two is Straight Outta Compton, which is played by N.W.A. and had started in 1988. This song talks about the danger and violence of Compton, California, which is according to FBI's annual report of crime statistics one of the most dangerous city in US.
The number tree is The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which is played by the well-known actor Will Smith and had started in 1990.
Finally, they said that these three songs are for them the most listened rap music, because when they hear it they feel the necessity to dance. In fact as soon as they listened, they started to dance. What are your top three Rap songs?