Monday, October 31, 2016

this animation is called "your name" and also "kiminonaha" in japanese. the director is Shinkai Makoto. the main character is two teenagers and one boy is Taki Tachibana in high school and one girl is Mitsuha Miyamizu  living in a pictureque. the sotory is about gender-swapping dreams. they have not met before but they suddunly appeared in each dreams.eight million people  already wached the animation movie and earned more than 10 billion yen. this movie will be released more than eighty countries. this is so impressive movie and everyone could enjoy it. japanses films sometimes describe the thread of nature and disaster and also this movie descrives comet's descent. Shinkai says he will make more films.
this movie is so famous and my friends alredy watched. i think animation is not just for children but also adult. many people enjoy animation. japanese animation is so unique and attractive.many peple will watch it and make new record.


  1. Very interesting. I have not heard of it. What do you mean by gender-swapping?

  2. Waaaaa oh ~ What is its Chinese name?
