Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Does drinking coffee really heathy to our body?

Coffee is a great invention of the human history. Since the coffee start to popular, almost every people in the world drink it or have been tried at least once. Nowadays, a coffee industry is growing up enormously and it is already huge industry in the world. The reason why the coffee industry is growing up is that people think drinking coffee is healthy and taste good. However, Still there are a few researches about negative aspects of drinking coffee. Jebelli, J.(2013) said, having more than four cups of coffee a day can affect a body to raise the chance of dying by diseases. It says that too much coffee is bad for health even if they get a long term between each drinking. So it better to drink only one or two cups of coffee in a day.


1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting because I have read that coffee can be very healthy. But, of course, you should have LESS than 4 cups a day! Maybe 4 cups is the limit. But 1-2 can be very good for preventing diseases, including some cancers.
