Thursday, November 3, 2016


Image result for fotos de estudiantes en computadoras
This generation has  grown up with a lot technologies on their hands,  it has made parents and teachers anxious or upset. Their biggest concert is that “kids these days”  will be not able to present elaborated essays due to the technology affects their intellectual development however the studies shows the opposite. In an existing study of  students  that was produced by Andre  A. Lunsford and Karen J. Lunsford “Mistakes Are a Fact of Life: A National Comparative Study”  (from an quantity of 162 words in 1917, to 422 words in 1986, to 1,036 words in 2006) It show clearly that students using digital technologies such as cell phones, internet, social sites, laptops have become better writers.
In reaction to the results above mentioned, professors Lunsford and Lunsford, they  proposed a new study  nevertheless to their amazement the college students maintain equivalent errors that them did in 1917. The study, about writing was based on common errors; spelling, capitalization, punctuation, apostrophes, etc The results surprised the teachers, they visualized the fact that college students write fast and a great quantity of papers in comparison to the students in the past.
The digital devices are there to help  students to improve their knowledge and abilities.  The students not only use to write more also  they become adept to code-switching in order to gossiping with friends, save time and write fast Turner, K (May. 2009) “Flipping the Switch: code-switching from text Speak to Standard English The English journal
In conclusion the students are developing their writing skills and also the they enjoy the process.

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