Saturday, November 5, 2016

Fear makes us stronger

    Rugby is my sport, when it comes to playing rugby, being faced with violent situation is inevitable. Take a second and think of it, there is a six feet two and 200 lbs opponent is running to you with a speed of 11 seconds in 100 meters, and you have to stop him. Does this not make you though? even though, I have played rugby more than 10 years. Every time like this makes me though but the thing that makes you feared makes you stronger as well. According to Mobbs(2016), when we perceive something is dangerous or scary, our brain started to be ready for it, such as secreting adrenaline, blood pressure rises and growth of heart rate. In fact, this physiological mechanism gets us to be prepared against what would be happened in the future. Namely, I can say that facing a fear sounds not fun but it makes us stronger.


  1. This is a great blog post. I like how you used an article to explain your personal experience. Great job!

    1. I am happy to hear that. I am trying my best!

  2. Now, I know what is real Rugby! You are a great player my friend.

    1. Now you got it, that's relief at least you know what is Rugby!
