Friday, January 29, 2016

Smile is good for decreases our stress

This article, which is found in, shows that a smile can help you handle stress. This article, writing by Kelly McGonigal Ph.D., also demonstrate with an experiment how a genuine smile decreases our stress and give us a fast physiological recovery. There are three participants, one of them with a genuine smile, other with a fake smile and the last one not smile. During and after mental challenge, researchers measured participants heart rate and stress levels. Finally the results demonstrated Genuine smile were less stressed and showed faster physiological recovery from the stressful tasks than Fake smile or no smile. This effect demonstrates also the “The facial feedback theory of emotion: your brain is constantly monitoring what’s happening in your body.” So here we have another reason for why we have to smile, don’t forget it.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... now I know how to de-stress myself!
