Saturday, February 6, 2016


Does our dreams has any meaning?
Are they interpretable?

According to the psychologist Carl Jung, one of the founding fathers of dream interpretations, “Dreams were a window into the unconscious mind,” He believed that “While the dreamer is sleeping, their unconscious mind is working on finding solutions to problems they face in their conscious mind.”
To some people dreams are a normal function of the body that doesn’t have any meaning or purpose. But many believe that dreams have a deeper meaning. But first we need to figure out if the dream has any significance because sometimes they are affected by our physical surroundings or noises or external circumstances. For example, if someone hear ringing bells in their dream, it may be because of their phone or alarm is ringing.
**There are many different categories of dreams. Some dreams are common dreams (These dreams are experienced by people of all background, culture and religion), Nightmares and anxiety dreams, relationship dreams and so on.
To understand our dreams, we need to put it within the context of our own life. Every person has their own interpretations!  

** To know more about the categories of the dream check the above website.


  1. In India, are certain dreams ascribed to certain feelings or future events?

    1. I am not aware of it, if there is any....
