Friday, February 26, 2016


  Last year, many provinces were influenced by haze in China. What is haze? It is very complex pollutants that consist of gas, Particulate Matter (Like CO, SO2, NOx, NH3, and so on.). These pollutants were formed in a special weather. It has many influences for our people because people will abstract pollutants into our lung, it will let people get cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and even cancers. The haze cannot disappear; it means no way can deal with it. The only way is that people should protect the environment in their daily life. For example, they need to take more bus than drive their own cars. In addition, people needn’t use disposable in their life. It is one of the biggest problems that many people like to use disposable because it is very convenient. However, some companies in China sometimes cannot deal with these disposable very well because they do not reckon with the environment and save money. All in all, we should concentrate on this problem and do something good to protect our environment. 

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