Tuesday, February 23, 2016


When I was thinking about what should I write for my blog post, a word clicked me, "A woman"!! How can I not thought about this topic before, while I am a woman?! Then I thought what should I write about woman? Hmm…... very complicated like woman’s heart !! Jokes apart, I thought to write about “value of a woman.” But when I started to think about this topic, the topic looked odd to me because we can’t count the value of a woman, how can we count the value of God’s impression? she is priceless!!
Woman plays so many different roles throughout the day. She is a alarm clock, a cook, a maid, a teacher, a waiter, a nanny, a nurse, a handyman, a security officer, a counselor and a comforter. She works 24 hours a day and never gets holiday or medical leave and never complains! So it’s not fair if we think about her value, she is priceless!! 

Then I came across few beautiful words about the woman and I couldn’t control myself to share it with you all!
"In every step of man’s life, woman is always there.
When he born, a woman was there to hold him, his mother!
When he grew up, a woman was there to care and to play with him, his sister!
When he went to school, a woman was there to help him to learn, his teacher!
When he needed compatibility, company and love, a woman was there for him, his wife!
When he became tough, a woman was there to melt him, his daughter!
When he will die, a woman will be there to absorb him, motherland!"

In every relationship, woman proved herself priceless!!

If we start to praise a woman, words will not be enough……
The willingness to listen…
The patience to understand…
The strength to support….
The heart to care & just to be there….
That is the beauty of a woman !!!


  1. even if today is not the day of the woman, my recognition to all women's... Thank you for remember me the tremendous value of a woman

  2. Very nice blog post, Nadiya. I agree with you 100%.

    Here are some grammar notes: http://genius.it/8726043/elivoices.blogspot.com/2016/02/when-i-was-thinking-aboutwhat-should-i.html

    1. Thank you for the encouragement as well as grammar suggestions!!
