Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Time Management Secrets From 29 Straight- A Students

 What does it makes students to great? While I was finding tips for time management, one of the articles was found in the Forbes. The author, Kevin Kruse, published his new book-15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management. He acquired the idea for writing from the interviewing of the good students. I want to blog three of the fifteen secrets.

 Secret #1: Limit Social Media Use
 The students who were interviewed mentioned that they use "access blocking" apps such as SelfControl and StayFocused. They may already know that using social media apps make spend much time. Instead of study or prepare for their exams. 

 Secret #2: Use a Calendar
 The students said that using calendar is helpful for plan the work. One of the old saying is 'plan your work, then work your plan.' In addition, they mentioned that do not use 'to-do list.'

 Secret #3: The Power of Priorities
 They said that because the time of the day is limited as 24 hours, people should list up what task is most or more important. It will be very efficient way to be great.

 Retrieve from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2015/11/09/time-management-students/2/#3c03f2b34755
 Picture from: http://essentialsofbusiness.ufexec.ufl.edu/media/7378692/uf-time-management-marketing.png

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I had never heard of access blocking apps. It seems like a great idea!
