Friday, July 15, 2016

3 Vietnamese's food will make you surprise

1. Tiet Canh Vit aka Duck Blood Soup is a traditional Vietnamese dishes make from fresh animal (duck). Not every Vietnamese like or eat it but this is traditional food in anyway. (I never try this before and I don't want to try it.But my mom love it)

2. Hot vit lon aka egg embryo is baby duck fetus that's been the egg about 15 or 17 days ( not more, if you let the egg more that day, the baby will big and can't eat). Hot vit lon is cooked food not fresh ( so don't be scare ^_^). I'm not really like it. However it taste good.

3. Animal organs is common food in Vietnam. You can see it in daily meal and some specific dishes. It include every part of animal intestine : heart, stomach, brain, feet, tail, and so on. ( Not every animal just usually pig and chicken). It is processed in different way but often hard-boiled. 

P/s: Please don't look at Vietnamese people in different way when I told you what they ate. All dishes just a traditional food and not every body like and eat it. However, we have a lot of good looking food, too. 


  1. Every culture has "strange" foods, so don't worry. I think I will stick with pho, though.

  2. I glad you like Pho. By the way, I like it, too.
